Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

day 56...10-28-09

Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.

Got no deeds to do,
No promises to keep.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you,
All is groovy.

day 55...10-27-09

the perfect way to unwind after a very long day

day 54...10-26-09

red hot chili peppers

day 53...10-25-09

shot while waiting for a train, a very long train.  You would think leaving the dugout during flooding would be obvious, but apparently not.

day 52...10-24-09

can you guess?

it's a fluffy fibre optic light fixture from ikea.  I didn't buy it, just pulled out the iphone and took a a quick shot...

day 51...10-23-09

geese in a pond

On my way to Edmonton, I stopped just before I got to Lloydminster and shot this.  Yep it's blurry, so are all my other shots that day.  I was having a little freak out thinking my camera or lens was broken.  The auto-focus on my camera was not working, at all! I checked all the various controls and swtiches, knobs, dials and toggles  Turns out there's a little toggle on the side of my camera that allow me to switch between M, S, and what's the heck is this?  Out comes the manual, which I do carry with me, and problem solved YEAH!!!
So after I get back in the car and head on down the highway, I get a call from my Dad who's wondering if that was me stopped on the side of the highway and why?  What are the chances he would just happen to pull over on the opposite side of the highway at the very same time, in the very same spot.  "No Dad, no car trouble, I just stopped to take pictures".  I'm sure he was rolling his eyes and shaking his head. 

day 50...10-22-09


day 49...10-21-09


okay so a whole week no posts...bad girl!
I did take photos,  mostly iphone shots though.  I will endeavour to do better.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

day 48...10-20-09

indoor sunset

this was shot in my dining room at 11pm... the "cloudy sky" in the background is a reflection of the textured ceiling (the wall is a mirror) and the "setting sun" is the dining room light fixture.  The twigs are just part of the decor, from ikea.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

day 44...10-16-09

hoop dreams

well it's phone photo phriday and here is one of the shots I took with my lovely little iphone.  Edited with best photo software.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

day 43...10-15-09



tip: when photographing dogs (and small children)
treats and lots of praise are essential, but more so the treats

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

day 42...10-14-09

safety violation

This one is dedicated to my mother who recently completed her occupational health and safety officer training courses.  Now lets see how fast she can spot the infraction and write up a report citing the offence. 

day 41...10-13-09


At Camera Club Tuesday night we had several "table top" stations set up to play with lighting and still life photography.  I played a little, but was not much in the mood.  I much prefer to play solo as opposed to hovering with and sneaking in around 40 or so other people.  It was fun, it sparked some ideas, but my shots were less than stellar.  I definetly plan to play and explore options with off camera flash, my portable studio and my lightbox in the near future.  It's gonna mean pulling out my camera manual (you know it's that book that comes with your camera, explains all it's features and stuff ), and my flash manual, and that collection of cords I have but dont use.     

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

day 40...10-12-09

                 tastes like the real thing

I thought I'd post a couple extra shots from my outing today as I did not touch a camera at all in the previous 2 days (head hung down in shame). 

Sunday, October 11, 2009

day 38...10-10-09


This was not shot on saturday oct 10th, as I did not touch my camera today.  Okay that's not true I did snap a few iphone shots of the chaos I must bring to order in my room and the basement family room, but that would just be embarassing.  So instead I'll please your eyes with this shot of the moon from thursday.  If it hadn't been so cold, or so dark on a back road in the middle of nowhere, or if I hadn't been so lazy I would have brought out my 500mm, but it was all those things so 200mm was my limit.  Dont look closer though...


winter drive

another iphone a moving vehicle

on a completely un-related topic I updated my blogger new post page and spell check seems to have hellooooo, just because the english language is falling apart with each new generation and technologic advance, does not mean some of us wouldn't still like to knoe if dissappeared has 1 s or 2 beefour we post for the wolrd to point and laff.

and yes I know the grammar and sentance structure in these posts is pathetic and I rarely use capitals. that I don't much care about, I'm lazy.  but spelling...that's important LOL

Friday, October 9, 2009

day 36...10-08-09

hello winter, we meet again...

day 35...10-07-09


Shooting birds in flight is tough.  Clearly it requires more than the 5 minutes I invested on my lunch break.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

day 34...10-06-09

city of bridges

I'm a photographer in the city of bridges, yet this is the first time I've bothered to shoot one of them.  I shot several but I liked the car streak at the bottom of this one.

day 33...10-05-09

once in a blue moon

Monday, October 5, 2009

day 32...10-04-09

Did I mention how sick I am? Not fun, not fun at all.
It's days like this I wanna quit this project, but persevere I will!

day 31...10-03-09

sick all weekend, zero ambition...shot this in the short time between resting and sleeping

day 30...10-02-09

Some days the only shot I get is what I can take on my way to someplace else...I wonder where the dog is going?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

day 29 10-01-09

I had ample time this morning to go out and get my shot o' the day but instead I stayed home and had a nice long hot shower. So naturally I lingered and wasted time till I was late for work. No time for photos now, right...wrong! It's all about being at the right place at the right time with your camera in hand. I drove by this guy and saw photo op written all over him. I wanted to stop but fear and shyness had me keep on driving. Fear of looking silly, fear of people getting annoyed by paparazzi snapping photos of them, fear of ______ (insert irrational fear here). A block away I was kicking myself for letting opportunity pass me by. Two blocks later I pulled a u-turn and went back to find my bus stop man. I stopped across the street, which was a better vantage point than when I drove by him the first time. I probably should have rolled down my window, but c'mon I didn't really want to draw that much attention. I took aim and with one shot, I had what I wanted. If it had been a flower or a cow I would have taken 30 just to make sure I got one I liked, but that was it, just one and I drove away. And you know what? I was thrilled, not because I'd shot my best photo ever, but because I'd shot it at all. I really enjoy a photojournalistic style of photography. In particular I love street photography, as I've always been a people watcher, but until recently I would never dare. It's silly really, because if I was working as a photographer for a newspaper or a magazine I would think nothing of snapping photos of this guy in the rain, in fact I'd look at it as a challenge, because it's my job. It is now... because what I want for my images is storytelling and emotion. While it's lovely to capture a stunning image of a beautiful thing, and I will continue that endeavor, I have a new goal...

day 28...09-30-09

i have a photo to post, it's a nice portrait... but I just cant bring myself to post it at the no photo from me today...sorry

so instead I'd like to introduce the new budding photographer in the family... she's almost 5 and loves when I give her a camera and let her do her thing... (these are not from today)

day 27...09-29-09


absolutely the ONLY shot I took today...another iphone photo

day 26...09-28-09
